HTTP and HTTPS, the literal building blocks of today’s internet. HTTP and HTTPS are responsible for powering each and every website that you visit through the internet, yet a lot of people don’t know what exactly are they, what they do and how they work, and that’s what we are going to explain through this article.
After a website is created and the files are uploaded to a server, the browser uses the HTTP protocol to access those files and display the website. HTTP is short for HyperText Transfer Protocol. After your browser establishes a connection with the server that contains the website, The browser sends an HTTP request to the server to access these files; after the server accepts the HTTP request, it replies with the files needed to build the webpage. Of course, all that happens within a mere few seconds; however, HTTP has a problem, all the data is sent and received unencrypted which means an attacker can intercept the transmission and steal all the data, which is not good, especially if the website is handling sensitive data such as credit card numbers. And that’s where HTTPS comes to the rescue.
HTTPS works the same exact way as HTTP but encrypts the entire data during transmission and that’s why it’s called HyperText Transport Protocol Secure, so in case an attacker intercepts the transmission, they wouldn’t be able to read the data. HTTPS builds trust between a website and their users and makes e-commerce a lot more secure. However, HTTPS has its own limitation; HTTPS encrypts data during transmission, so if an attacker got hold of the cached pages on your browser, they would still be able to steal the data. HTTPS is enabled by adding an SSL certificate to your server, which you can learn more about here.
Understanding HTTP and HTTPS are crucial for anyone seeking a career in web development and you know what’s also crucial? Having a good web host. Hostilica provides excellent web hosting plans that are guaranteed to satisfy all your needs. All our servers are SSDs, so you can be sure that your performance will be top-notch and a free SSL to make sure your users’ data is secure