what is .com

Have you ever wondered what the “.com” means? I bet you did.
On our daily internet journey from one website to another, you have certainly come across many website addresses with the ‘.com’ at the end.
In this article, you will find everything you need to know about the ‘.com’ like ‘What .com stands for?’, ‘What is a domain name?’, and ‘How to buy a .com domain?’, so let’s start.
What .COM Means in the Domain Name?
“.COM” is a part of the domain that represents something we call TLD, but what is TLD?
TLD meaning which is short for Top Level Domain was introduced earlier in the 1980s; there were 6 original top-level domain examples, each one had a true purpose or a category, here is the original TLD list:
- .com
- .net
- .org
- .edu
- .gov
- .mil
For example, ‘.edu’ stood for education, ‘.org’ stood for organizations, ‘.net’ stood for the network, and so on.
By the way, you can explore more about the TLDs you can register from here Explore-TLDs.
For ‘.COM’, what does .com stand for? And what is the definition of it? Well, the ‘.COM’ stands for ‘commercial’ and was only for commercial organizations usage.
But nowadays, the rules aren’t strict and the TLDs anyone can use it for any purpose. By the way, there are new TLDs that are more focused, for example: ‘. store’, ‘. health’, ‘. online’, ‘. life’, ‘. xyz’, and much more.
We also recommend you to search your “.com” domain and register it even if you are not planning to own a website soon. but your “.com” domain will be yours forever.
Who Owns .COM?
“.COM” domain is owned and operated by the registry Verisign. Verisign also provides the ‘.net’, ‘.tv’ TLDs, and many other options for registrars like HOSTILICA to offer customers like you with these TLDs.
Quick info, when was the first domain name registered?
The first domain name was a .COM, ‘Symbolics.com’ was registered in 1985 to a computer manufacturer Symbolics, Inc. After 25 years, it was sold in 2009 to XF.com Investments.
What does .COM stand for?
We have already mentioned that .COM top level domain stands for ‘commercial’ and it’s one of the world’s most popular domains, and it isn’t just used by commercial organizations but by almost everyone.
Also, according to Verisign, at the time of writing this article in October 2020, there are 150,768,070 registered.COM domain names. .COM TLD is a universally recognized and trusted domain name, so if you’re looking for a new domain, it would be good to pick a .COM domain.
How much does a .COM domain cost?
Now that you’ve learned more about this popular domain and are more likely excited to register one, you are probably wondering about how much does .COM TLD cost?
The answer simply is, it depends! Whether you are buying it through a registrar or buying it from an auction if someone owns the domain name you chose.
So, like any domain, the price will differ. But you can search for your favorite domain name here and find out what the price is.
Is .COM a more Reliable Choice than other TLDs?
Well, .COM websites are as reliable as any other websites with any other TLDs. It’s just more popular. But when you’re looking for a website, you make your decision about them by checking if their website is trustworthy, how many online reviews they have, and if they offer everything you’re looking for or not, and so on.
Is .COM the best option for SEO?
First of all, .COM is a very popular and well-known domain, and it is one of the ideal choices for ranking well internationally.
Quick Tip: If you want to rank your website exclusively in a specific geographical location, it may be wise and better to choose the GeoTLD for that area, like ‘.us’ or ‘.uk’ for example.
So, it depends on your business characteristics, as we mentioned above, but overall, of course, a .COM domain is ranking very well internationally.
How can I Get a .COM domain?
If you would like to get a .COM domain, there is good news here 😉 ـــ you can get one from us!
You can easily search for .COM domain, check if your desired domain is available, if it’s available, then congrats! If it’s not then try to change the extension or edit the name itself.